Sunday, January 29, 2006

Public Service Announcement ....

I never admitted to being a fan, but the shows are interesting in it's content and general message. Friends say that the show is laugh out loud funny, but I have not been moved in such a manner (not even with laugh aids). There is humor at the "stick" that is poked at black people (the way we are, the things that we do, or say), but it is funny because of the common link (heard it, seen, said it). For your entertainment, Enjoy as much as I could find.

Episode One (Garden Party)

Episode Two (R. Kelly)

Episode Three (A Pimp Named Slickback)

Episode Four (Nigga Moments ...)

Episode Five (Don't Drop the Soap)

Episode Six (Gangstalicious)

Episode Seven (Christmas)

Episode Eight (Bitches ...)

Episode Nine (Return of the King)