Friday, May 26, 2006

For the Love of a Good Cape ...

I just checked the latest 'X-Men' pic in the afternoon (unbeknownst to my boss). Anybody that has ever read anything that I have ever written know that I am struck by the oddest isht that may occur everyday. While peepin' X-Men: The Last Stand, I realized that I need a cape.

Now not everyone that is endowed with certain powers can pull off the cape. If your powers are limited to feats of strengths that don't equate in being airborne or great mental skill that is limited where levitation is concerned, there is no need for a cape. If you can transcend space and time, fly, or leap and soar for extended periods of time, you need and cape. Unless you have wings which makes the whole point redundant.

How cool is it to have a cape?

I never understood why Batman has a cape. Can't fly, levitate, nor does he have tremendous leaping skills. Maybe it is meant to hide those secret gadgets. I don't know. My thought is that he thought they it was particularly stylish, but I am a more functional guy.

Dracula wore a cape even though when he chose to fly he turned into an entirely different form all together. I think that is a major abuse of cape.

I know that the cape is really not aiding anyone in their ability to fly, if you can fly, you are pretty much grand-fathered in. But if you can not fly or you are flying in a form other than your presented form, major CAPE ABUSE.

As a super-hero, don't get caught up in trying to garner style points. The last thing that I need to worry about as I look for someone to save me is a primping hero.It's bad enough that Superman has that hairdo and the full body tights are disturbing, but if I am in a free fall out of a building in Metropolis, beggars can't be choosers.

Shape-shifters shouldn't wear capes, nor should rocket propulsion guys like Tony Starks (aka Ironman).

And how ridiculous would it be if Captain America chose to rock the cape.